Is the journey ever really over?

smooth pathReflecting rough path

I hear this all the time. So I finished chemo, radiation and surgery. Oops, I have a new pain. I have a new issue. Is it…? Could it be…? Cancer…. again!? What are we supposed to do about the fear. Fear of the unknown. Some of us are better at worrying than others. I think I have it mastered. So what pill do you take for fear. There is none. This is why I preach turning to holistic methods to get over things that Western Medicine doesn’t offer. There are tools such as meditation, holistic healing and getting rid of baggage from the past that can help with this. I used it during my journey to overcome fears of silly things. These methods are still relevant to me today and I ask that you be open minded and receptive to trying new uncharted territory. Don’t give up. Don’t succumb. Seek.

So which path will I take? The nice smooth one on the left, of  course! Will you join me?