It’s the holidays and its time to party and socialize and be out and about. But maybe you don’t feel like it. Or maybe you don’t look well (in your mind). It can be hard to try and find the will to get out and act normal. Let me propose this to you, you may not set the tone for everything going on in your body, for you can set the tone for what’s in your mind. Have this mindset: Cancer is temporary, treatment is temporary, my strange appearance is temporary. The survival rate for cancer now is higher than ever. Choose to be a survivor! Choose to live as normal as you can. So put on a smile, some nice clothes, some makeup for color, brush on eyebrows if you must, fix your hair/wig/scarf and TELL YOURSELF you will have pep in your step. Go to that party, socialize like you normally would. You will probably realize after that staying home would have been much more boring. Now you have stories to recall, and memories to cherish. Chalk it up to: Ok, I’ll embrace this temporary situation I’m in now. And who knows, you might have time to catch a snowflake on your tongue!