It is with such mixed emotions that I sit here writing this blog as we enter the month of October 2016. I am so thankful for all the women we have been able to help and those to whom we have imparted knowledge. I am thankful for those we have provided acupuncture treatments to help them get through chemo. I am thankful for the doctors, surgeons and other medical professionals who have helped us spread the message of options, alternative treatments, and little known things to help along the way. But my heart is filled with sadness and my eyes with tears as I remember those we have lost, the brave fights fought. The countless needle sticks, drugs taken and scalpel cuts to get back to health. Some of us make it, and some of us don’t. Who chooses that? What is the difference? Why does a 50+ year old survive when a 30 year old with small children does not? This disease is a life changer, even for the survivors. I have my moments of anger and discussions with God about why some are chosen to die. I don’t have an answer, but I do have the drive to continue to fight, educate and hope for a cure. My only other option is to give up, and THAT, I know, is not an option!