We are taught from a young age to say Thank You to others. It’s so automatic that its expected, it rolls off our tongue so easily. But do you ever say thank you to yourself? This came to me during meditation in a recent yoga class. Concepcion Dinulos Pallin was teaching the most beautiful Yin Yoga class, where you hold poses for 5 to 7 minutes to get into a full stretch with breath. This method of yoga, leaves much time for meditation. I had been experiencing a tight psoas muscle and some of the stretches really helped release the tension. In my meditation, I thanked my muscles for releasing. I thanked my hipsĀ for carrying me all these years and my legs for all their hard work. Why am I telling you this in my breast cancer blog? Because I believe it’s important to look for any bright side there may be to any situation. So I took time to thank my breasts for years of beauty and pleasure and for feeding my children. They served me well. I acknowledged and appreciated that. But since I had a mastectomy in 2013, I also took time to thank my new reconstructed breasts. I gave thanks to my body for being cancer free. When I left Krama Yoga Center, I was not only relaxed, but I felt very peaceful. Peaceful about where I am and where I had been. I’m not saying it was all fun, but I am saying I’ve made peace with it. Thanks Concepcion!