We are so excited to be delivering over 100 of these heart pillows to Baylor Uptown and UT Southwestern Clements University Hospital. Let let me explain. I know a heart pillow may not sound exciting or fancy, but let me tell you they are sooooo useful. After having a mastectomy, the seat belt in the car feels like a razor blade —- but the heart pillow helps. When you need to sleep on your side, but you have tissue expanders in, the mattress feels like huge tweezers pinching you (slip it under your arm) —- but the heart pillow helps. When the covers slipping across your newly operated on breasts feels uncomfortable — the heart pillow helps. When you think about the pain you are experiencing and the people who donated their materials, love and time to make these little gems — the heart pillows help. Thanks to the people who make these! Thanks to the Angels of Mercy (aka nurses) who take care of us after our surgery! Thanks to Baylor Uptown and UTSW Clements University Hospital for all they do!