Meditation is a Healing Modality

According to Kathy Platt, MmeditationS, HHP, Holistic Healer, meditation can be a way to calm and even cure your body. There are many things that affect our ability to function, most being rooted in fear or another emotion. You may experience anxiety, muscle aches, head or stomach aches. Whatever it is that you want to focus on, bring that forward in your meditation. As you breathe with intention, bring out this pain or anxiety. Give it a shape and a color. This is all in your mind so anything goes, follow your first thought. Then imagine sunlight or moonlight shining directly on this “thing” you have “pulled out of yourself”. In your meditation you may see it change color, shrink, turn to dust. Continue to shine light in your minds eye until the “thing” is resolved. Until it goes away, melts, or becomes something beautiful. You may be surprised how this method can help heal deep, old emotional wounds. To many of us, this is a very intense form of prayer utilizing God’s gifts of light and intention. Check out Kathy’s website for more information.